by Gene Sambataro, D.D.S. | Jun 15, 2023 | Adult Sleep Problems, The Price of Poor Sleep
Did you know that lack of sleep can have a profound impact on your health? Recent research has shed light on the damaging health effects of sleep problems, revealing that insufficient sleep is associated with a range of physical and mental well-being issues....
by Gene Eberts, Ph.D. | Apr 12, 2019 | Healthy Sleep, The Price of Poor Sleep
Beware of Stress: What Stress Can Do To Your Sleep – Sleep is important for you to function right. It recharges your brain while it allows your body to rest. However, not everyone is getting enough sleep at night. According to a survey conducted by Gallup News,...
by Gene Eberts, Ph.D. | Mar 13, 2018 | Healthy Sleep, The Price of Poor Sleep
15 Unbelievable Poor Sleep Statistics – Sleep is important in a person’s life. It is connected to your ability to function throughout the day. A night of poor sleep can result in fatigue, bad mood, and lack of focus. What people do not know is that poor sleep,...
by Gene Eberts, Ph.D. | Nov 3, 2017 | Healthy Sleep, The Price of Poor Sleep
5 Surprising Ways Stress Affects Sleep – Sleep is a vital function of the human body that is often taken for granted. It helps your brain recharge and your body to rest. However, when quality is poor, your body does not get the full benefits of sleep. Research...