Getting enough sleep should be a priority, not an option. If you or your child is suffering from sleep disordered breathing or other sleep disorders, from a mild sleep problem like snoring to a severe one such as obstructive sleep apnea or several pauses in breathing, it can be hard to focus on sleeping.
According to the poll conducted by Gallup News, 40% of Americans sleep for six hours or less. Some people have busy schedules and tight deadlines. There are also others who are suffering from sleeping woes.
Around 1 in 3 people are suffering from mild insomnia. You can be one of them. If you are, you may be considering taking an over-the-counter sleeping pill to treat your poor sleep problem.
A sleeping pill may be effective treatment for insomnia and ending your sleep problem. However, it can only do that short-term. While it can be useful, most sleeping pills can be potentially addictive and can cause problems such as constipation, dizziness, confusion, headache, vomiting, swelling, and nausea to name a few. A study also shows that long-term use of these sleep aids is also linked to higher risks of dementia.
Another treatment to cure snoring to obstructive sleep apnea is by using a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) device. This device involves a pressurized mask that you wear over your nose while you sleep. This mask is attached to a machine that forces air to your airway. Although CPAP machines are the most reliable and effective way to treat snoring and sleep apnea, a lot of people find it uncomfortable and troublesome to wear at night.
There are also surgeries available to avoid snoring and sleep apnea. Traditional surgeries such as uvulopalatopharyngoplasty or the tightening and trimming of the excess tissues in your throat and somnoplasty or shrinking of tissues in the soft palate, are performed to reduce or to completely eliminate snoring and sleep apnea episodes.
However, if you do not opt to go under the knife or sacrifice your comfortability when sleeping, there are better ways to deal with your sleep problems.
Before you rush to the nearest drug store and get your hands on over-the-counter sleeping pills, there are effective treatments for you to get a better sleep at night. These treatments include:
Managing stress
Changing your mind
Taking nutritional supplementation
Undergoing dental intervention
Receiving health coaching
Sticking to your program
If you want to learn more about how you can effectively treat your sleep problems without the help of over-the-counter sleeping pills, check out our holistic treatment options page.
Treatment Options
5012 Dorsey Hall Drive , Suite 205
Ellicott City, MD 21042
Tel: (410) 964-3118
Fax: (410) 964-3154
Mon: 9am – 5pm
Tue – Thur: 8am – 5pm