Snoring Remedies: How You Can Have a More Peaceful Night –

A good night’s sleep is important both for your mental and physical health. If you share a bed or a room with someone who snores, it can deprive you of getting that much-needed sleep.

Snoring occurs when the airflow from your nose or mouth to your lungs makes your airway’s tissue vibrate. Snoring is usually caused by an obstruction or narrowing of your mouth, nose, or throat.

If snoring keeps you from getting the sleep that you need, is there a way for you to stop it? This article talks about how you can control snoring.

Slim Down

Your weight plays a role in your snoring.

Losing weight can decrease the number of tissues in your throat that causes snoring. A study conducted on 20 men who snore heavily concluded that losing weight is one of the ways to reduce snoring.

You can lose weight by decreasing your overall calorie intake. Eat smaller portions and more healthy food. Practice regular exercise as well.

Slimming down is one of the ways you can control snoring. Eliminate fats and you may eliminate snoring.

Switch Positions

Changing your position can help stop your snoring. Sleeping on your side can reduce acid reflux, neck pain, back pain, and snoring.

Sleeping on your back can increase the tendency for your soft palate and tongue to fall back into the throat. This can cause the narrowing of the airway and breathing abnormalities, triggering a vibrating sound or snoring while you sleep.

Switching your position and lying on your side can prevent snoring. However, it can be difficult to maintain since you move around as you sleep. Using a full-length body pillow can support your entire body and prevent it from moving around.

Switching your position can control your snoring. It reduces the tendency for your soft palate and tongue from falling back into your throat which leads to snoring.

Reduce Drinking

Drinking alcohol before you sleep can help put you to sleep but you have to deal with the snoring issues that come with it.

Consuming alcohol before you go to sleep makes the muscles at the back of your throat relax. Once these muscles relax, they start to fall back and block your airways which leads to snoring.

According to an article in Science Daily, alcohol may provide deeper sleep from the start but can result in poorer breathing and snoring after.

If you are not a regular snorer but snore after drinking alcohol before you head to bed, it is a sure sign that alcohol is the cause of snoring. Instead of drinking alcohol to make you fall asleep, consider drinking milk or Chamomile tea to make you feel relaxed and calm.

Clear Your Nasal Passages

Clearing your nasal passages machine every time you sleep at night can control your snoring.

If snoring starts in your nose, keeping your airway passages open can help. If your nose is clogged or narrowed due to a cold or another blockage, air that passes through it can cause snoring.

Taking a hot shower before you go to bed can help open your nasal passages. Rinsing your nose using salt water in the shower can help open up the passages and reduce snoring.

Snoring can prevent you or your partner from getting enough sleep. These simple practices such as slimming down, switching your bed position, reducing drinking alcohol, and clearing your nasal passages can make a huge difference in reducing snoring.