11 Statistics About Bruxism That You Won’t Believe –

Bruxism or the unconscious gritting and grinding of the teeth, and clenching of the jaw during sleep is common. This disorder can occur a lot of times while you are sleeping.

Teeth grinding can cause sleep disruption as well as damage to your teeth. It often occurs during the early stages of your sleep and before you reach deep sleep. It is a common disorder affecting not only adults but also children.

Since a lot of bruxism cases are still undiagnosed, it will help if you are aware of what it is. Let’s cite some statistics about this disorder.

How many people have bruxism?

10% of American adults are affected by bruxism, according to the American Sleep Association. However, almost 80% of these cases are still untreated.

Is bruxism hereditary?

Yes, bruxism rates are higher for people who have a family history of this disorder. If it was previously diagnosed in your family, the rate for you to acquire bruxism is as high as 50%.

What is the common reason for teeth grinding?

The cause of bruxism is still unknown. However, the Bruxism Association posits that 70% of bruxism occurs as a result of anxiety or stress, particularly job-related stress.

What is the common age for adults to experience teeth grinding?

Most people experience teeth grinding at some point in their lives but most people who grind their teeth on a regular basis are 25 to 44-year-olds.

Do children suffer from bruxism?

Yes, as high as 20% of children up to the age of 11 are reported to have bruxism. However, this is an underestimate since this disorder is sometimes unnoticed by parents.

Is bruxism common in kids?

Yes, bruxism in children is common, particularly those who are under the age of 11. 2 to 3 out of 10 children have a habit of teeth grinding.

How long do teeth-grinding episodes last?

Teeth grinding can last for as long as 40 minutes.

Do children with bruxism still carry the disorder as they get older?

Yes, around one-third of children with teeth-grinding problems still have it as an adult

How much force does grinding do to your teeth?

Since the jaw is powerful. It can exert up to 250 pounds of pressure on a single tooth.

How many doctors should you visit if you suspect you are experiencing bruxism or teeth-grinding disorder?

If you suspect that you are suffering from teeth grinding, there is 1 doctor you need to visit: your dentist. Dental check-ups are needed so that any problems caused by your teeth grinding can be treated before further damage occures.

How many treatments are available to treat bruxism?

There is no treatment necessary to stop most bruxism because it is manageable. However, if the problem is severe, there are 3 approaches to alleviate bruxism:

  • Dental approach or using splints and mouthguards, and CPAP machines.
  • Stress management or professional counseling, exercises, and strategies performed by a psychologist or psychotherapist to help you relax for long-lasting relief.
  • Drug therapy or using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen to aid in relieving any pain or swelling around the jaw due to grinding.

Do you have other statistics about bruxism or teeth grinding to add? Write them in the comment section below.